About I-KHub
Problems to be Answered
One of the problems faced in efforts to prevent and combat terrorism and violent extremism in Indonesia is the disconnect between policy makers. So that efforts to prevent or overcome them have the possibility of repetition and are not on target.

I-KHub as a Solution
The Indonesian Knowledge Center on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism or I-KHub wants to answer the problem by providing a digital space for sharing with the 3C philosophy (Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation).
Legal Protection

In order to ensure the existence and sustainability of the Indonesia Knowledge Hub, in September 2021 a Decree of the Head of BNPT No. 206 of 2021 concerning Indonesia Knowledge Hub. This decree is very important because it contains the duties, functions and management of the I-KHub BNPT. This letter also forms the basis and guidelines for the management of the I-KHub secretariat under the National Counterterrorism Agency, including regarding the management of cooperation with many parties.

Ministries and Agencies

Regional Government

Development Partners

Content On The Platform

Systematic and Collaborative Knowledge Sharing
I-KHub functions as a system that regulates and manages knowledge sharing activities so that it takes place continuously and earnestly.
Benefits of Knowledge Sharing
Increase Performance and Value
Through a variety of knowledge, it can improve the performance and values of organizations/institutions and individuals in these institutions, including in terms of knowledge and innovation.
Improve Communication
Improving communication between stakeholders, both within the organization and outside the organization.
Facilitate and Improve Collaboration
Facilitate institutions to share and enhance cooperation between individuals and between institutions.
Improving Competence and Network
Improving competence in a short time and expanding networks, access to information and knowledge.
I-KHub Facilitates Knowledge Management
Building a library that is a centralized online information resource.
Identify stakeholders sources of knowledge.
Building a cross-stakeholder community for online learning.
Organizing activities that rely on online-based peer-based interactions.
Encourage the process of sharing knowledge among stakeholders.
I-KHub in the Big Knowledge Sharing Scheme

Watch the following video and find out what I-KHub is
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